Friday, November 11, 2011

awesome + wonderfull = 11.11.11

di hening yang malam,
berganjak nye waktu ke 12 tengahmalam
bersamaan pada tarikh 11.11.11...
what should i said...
what should i do...
when someone said and ask me something that,
i never been imagine it goin to be happen....
*like the picture bellow*

what your action...
what  u will do...
or u just pretend like that been nothing happen.. huh??

for me ofkos im quit SHOCK...!!
that is not the right time dear...
even today have a very wonderfull date to everyone,
to make something memoriable to this 11.11.11 priciuos date....

its HARD decision..
because im treat you as my friend..
and honestly i never been heard someone told me those word entire my life..
i never been that situation..
and im not ready to that situation....!!!!
so again..
its  not the time...
ada jodoh, tak kemana.. !!!

so forget about that story...
dun let this feeling overshadow your life..
it just a litle 'cabaran n dugaan' for me..
i must continue my life...

yes.. ALLAH always beside me...
and allah know what im feel it now..
and same goes to my friends...
i have a friends that support me..
encourage me to do the right decision...

im not alone..
and i wont be alone...

thanks my dear Friends..!!


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