Nak tahu ape yg ketare sgt..??
Cmnie cite nye... :-)
2 3 hari yg lepas, aku tukar DP Fb..
So tuk yg 2 3 arinie gmbr dp aku tu yg aku pakai tudung wane oren kan..
Ade la makhluk allah nie, rase nye kawan satu skola tp xpenah lak nak tegur2 kat skola or kat fb nie..
But then once I chnge my dp into gmbar yg myb bg dorg 'CANTIK' tu, terus berHai-hai pulak.. Ber SAYA AWAK pulak..
WTF men..!!! Mcm siot je..
Itu sorg.. Nie yg org kedua pulak..
Dah lame da die add, xde la knl.. Ntah dr mane jmpe...
Tp baru skrg nak chat, baru skrg nak I U la bagai.. Pergh.. Nyampah siot...
And for the last person, I know him.. Ktorg penah keje same.. Tp for a few weeks..
And yesterday he told me that aku dah berubah..
Then im asking him back.. 'ape yg dah berubah nye.. Same je gmbr dp aku tu..'
Then HE aswering back.. ''Kau CANTIK''...
OK.. What supposed I said to him..
Aku just ckp biase je.. Xde makne nye dah berubah kot...
So that is it...
I just change my dp yg nmpk lain ckit, then suddenly, they came out dengan kate2 manis dorg... Huh.. Sengal...
So what im thinking now is,
A men will diffinatly looking something that Beautiful in his eyes..
Dorg hanya tahu keCANTIKan wanita tapi bukan budi pekerti seorang wanita itu..
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