Tuesday, July 19, 2011

no title

this post goin to be a short entry..
u know what im going to say..

here it is....

hari ahad yg lepas, aku balik kampung melaka..

just balik skjup duk lepak2..

with family mak long je..

and my cousin..

and her daughter, her name FA..

time nak balik tgh kemas2 barang and aku tgh nak pakai tudung,

and u know what she said to me......

she said,








kak masz CANTIK sgt

tapi xde BOYFRIEND..!!!!!!!

ape korang rase...!!!

when the girl only 10 years old dah ckp cmtu kat kau...

and my reaction just smile smile and smile..

but xkisah la..

die dah kate aku cantik kann...

terharu la ckit

walaupon pedih kate2 bdk tu....


Nabila said...

HAHA. Comeyy budak tuh. C'mon masz, chill. :)

♥Maszura Mihat♥ said...

Ya.. Im ok laa.. Dah ''biase'' dah org ckp cmtuu kan.. Hahaha

Nabila said...

At least ada jugakk org ckp chantek :)

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